Alter Eco's Commitment to Fighting Climate Change

Dear friends and fellow citizens,

  Like many of you, we were extremely troubled and disappointed with President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. At a time when our country needs leadership in the commitment to mitigate climate change, we feel strongly that education and uniting with one another for this common goal can be a powerful force for change.   We encourage each and every one of you to rise up, and not be silenced! Please make your voice heard. At the state, local and national level support for our planet is amassing.   Alter Eco has always believed in the power of food and agriculture to help heal the planet and lift people up, and we will continue to aggressively support and protect our planet in every way we possibly can. In addition to our sustainable farming methods, Alter Eco has taken several steps to take bold action against climate change:  
  • Climate Collaborative – we’ve joined this coalition of natural products businesses who are committed to reversing climate change through nine different areas. We encourage all people to support these brands, and companies who haven’t joined yet, to sign up now!
  • “We Are Still In” Open Letter – Alter Eco is one of hundreds of businesses and universities, 125 cities and nine states who signed an unprecedented open letter to the international community declaring that we will continue to support climate action to meet the Paris agreement. Take a moment to see who has signed, and please show these companies your support.
  • Individually signing on to the Paris Agreement – every single person counts, which is why we and many of our team have also signed the petition where individuals can personally commit to mitigating climate change and sign onto the Paris climate change agreement. You can sign the petition here, and we hope you will share it with friends and loved ones.

  While the U.S. may not be part of the Paris Climate Deal, Alter Eco remains steadfastly dedicated to protecting our environment and fighting for climate action. We are optimistic and energized by how leaders in education, government and businesses, as well as individuals across the country have united to declare their continued support for the health of the planet. We will not give up, and hope you’ll continue to assemble, discuss and most importantly – TAKE ACTION – with us.  


With gratitude, Mathieu Senard and Edouard Rollet Co-founders & Co-CEOs at Alter Eco

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